

Our company is specialized in the production and operation of plastic materials and modified materials, especially the development and production of nylon modified plastics and engineering plastics. It is widely used in many fields, including mining accessories, electronics, electrical appliances, sporting goods and other emerging industries. The company has polymer professional professor engineer and other long-term experts engaged in plastic research composed of excellent scientific research team, as well as technical operation team with many years of practical experience to ensure stable product quality! Perfect after-sales service team to ensure customer satisfaction! The factory is equipped with injection molding machine, universal tensile testing machine, impact strength testing machine and other advanced testing instruments to ensure stable and reliable product quality! The company has 18 new patents for use. In line with the environmental management system certification and quality management system certification, is a high-tech enterprise in Fujian Province!

发布日期: 2024-05-04 工作地点: 福建泉州
招聘职位: 管理类-总裁/总经理 年  龄:  至  岁
招聘人数: 2 计算机水平: 不限
专  业: 高分子材料专业 学  历: 大专以上
外语语种: 不限 工作经验: 0 年以上
性  别: 提供住宿:
工作待遇: 6000-8000 招聘截止日期: 2024-8-2
地 址: 中国大陆 福建 泉州 黄塘镇绿谷工业区台中路12号
邮 编: 362000
电 话: 86-0595-0595-22839366
手 机: 13599725388
传 真: 86-0595-28892638
联系人: 卓杰
Email: 2850505301@qq.com
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